AXEL RUDI PELLThe Ballads IIISPV Records - 2005
For much too long, Axel Rudi Pell has not gotten very much recognition in the United States for his group’s guitar based progressive metal. This is a travesty, because European audiences have taken to the proficient German axeman’s work with open arms for some time, obviously harboring superior tastes in metal compared to their American counterparts. Here on “The Ballads III”, the group offers up a stellar platter of tunes that are steeped in emotion and substance.
Here you will find a collection of some of the guitarist’s most impacting ballads; along with three newly recorded pieces including a show stopping version of Rainbow’s “The Temple Of The King” that is an excellent tribute to that legendary act. Pell is a master of his instrument, imparting the type of performance that you would expect from a world class player.
His technique implies subtle wizardry, giving each tune exactly what it needs to succeed on an artistic level. It is a pity that American radio has moved away from these types of tuneful, melodic songs, because this music would have a tremendous amount of commercial appeal if only stations were willing to give it a chance. “Forever Angel” is a beautiful piece that is topped with a strong vocal offering from vocalist Johnny Gioeli that would appeal to fans of everything from Bon Jovi to Nickelback.
Pell’s dead on solo during “The Temple Of The King” places an exclamation point on what is one of the best cover versions in recent memory. It is hard to imagine a band doing a better job with this track than this. Pell’s abilities bring out the rich emotions which make a song like this so fantastic and the band does a fine job of creating a solid canvass for him to illustrate his skillful six string artistry.
“Heartbreaker” kicks off with the powerful vocals of Gioeli, accompanied by the sustaining keys of Ferdy Doernberg. This song is a classic power ballad that sounds like more polished Scorpions featuring less abrasive vocals. A chunky bridge ensues, lending dynamics, before Pell fades into an awesome solo. He plays with a flair that many guitarists these days miss and has an ear for melody that is virtually unmatched.
On the epic sounding “The Line” the group plays with a distinct majesty that still manages to be unpretentious. “Sea Of Evil” captures everything that was great about classic metal and wraps it up into an eight minute package that once again displays the group’s knack for creating solid melodies that take the listener on a musical journey that is genuinely unforgettable.
The moody, heartfelt “All The Rest Of My Life” is characterized by Pell’s astute chord voicing and Gioeli’s strong voice which manages to cut through the mix without becoming overbearing, remaining tuneful and soulful throughout the song. When the track kicks into its slow tempo, danceable break, Pell lets loose with a fiery, bluesy solo that could be considered as among the guitarist’s best.
In today’s metal world of blast beats and gruff screaming, Axel Rudi Pell remains a breath of fresh air musically. Those who enjoy melodic metal delivered with plenty of emotional impact will no doubt find much to enjoy on this captivating collection of well thought out, brilliantly executed tracks.